Through the SPSS implementing different Type of programmers for all-round development of the target groups’ communities / area and it’s more than 20 years duration it has implemented and has completed Successfully various time bound projects. It has established very sound linkage rapport at all level and also recognized by the local 

district authorities, State / Central Govt. , State social welfare board,

             Central social welfare board, CAPART, Help age India as well as Help age International, U.K.
        1) Undertaking Non-Formal Education and Adult Education programs including Condensed Courses of education for Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe women since 1988 to 2001 and it is in receipt of regular grants from the central social welfare board New Delhi.
             2) It has set-up and running creches in rural & urban slums for the children of working & ailing mothers to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes since 1984 onward and has received grants from the State Social Welfare board (M.P.).
         3) It has set-up and running a Coaching Center for providing training / coaching in Hindi/ English typing & Shorthand to SC/ST unemployed educated/youth (Girls & Boys both) since 1992 with the support of Ministry of Welfare, Govt. of India, and New Delhi.
        4) It has set-up and running a Computer Training Center for providing Computer training / coaching to unemployed educated/ youth (Girls & Boys both ) belonging to SC/ST since 1993 onward with the support of Ministry of Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
             5)     The SPSS has set-up & running a Training center of tractor repairing for providing training to unemployed youth of weaker section (i.e. belonging to SC/ST, minorities and other backward classes who are living below poverty line) since 1997 onward and has received a grant from CAPART, Ministry of rural development, Govt. of India during the current financial year (i.e. 1997-98).
         6) The SPSS has set-up and running a Tailoring —cum- Production Centre in the year 1993 (ongoing with the CAPART, Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi under their DWCRA scheme for providing training in cutting & sewing to rural poor women belonging to SC/ ST , minorities and other backward classes who are living below poverty line. Every year 50-60 rural poor women and school dropout girls are being trained and are being provided self- employment. It has received a grant during the 1993-94.
(viii)       It has also set-up and running a Training —Cum- Production Centre for manufacturing Readymade Garments for providing training and self-employment opportunities to rural poor women and non school going / drop out girls of urban/ slum/ rural areas. Through it was set-up in the year 1988 but it is still running most successfully & effectively and has become a very popular program of the SPSS as it has given employment / self-employment to number of women of the area. For this program it was sanctioned a grant by the State Social Welfare Advisory Board (M.P.).
(ix)         Organization of National Integration Campaign is one of its ongoing and popular programs. It has always promoted / encouraged the spirit of youths and realized their strength into constructive activities has been conducting National Integration Programs from 1992 onwards on regular basis with number of diversity which proved very successful by way of organizing Camps, Exhibitions, Yatras, yuva Mahotsava, Seminars, Workshops, and other cultural programs involving other NGOs, Volunteers, Social Workers, Youths of Educational Institutions, Associations etc. of the district/ adjacent districts and neighboring states. It has received the grants from the department of youths & sports, ministry of Human Resource Developments Govt. of India, New Delhi.
(x)           The Samiti has installed several India Mark-II Hand pumps for providing drinking water to rural poor SCs / STs Households in various villages with the support of CAPART under its ARSWP Scheme. It has also received separately during the year 1992-93 from CAPART for organization of Awareness Generation Camps to educate the rural poor people about use of safe drinking water and on other health aspects.
(xi)         It was also granted by the CAPART authorities during the year 1995-96 for construction of low cast sanitary latrines for rural poor SC/ST families and to create awareness among them about health & hygiene, sanitation practices, cleanliness etc.
(xii)       It has also been organizing awareness generation camps and scheduled for rural poor people (especially for rural poor women

belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) on various aspects of their daily like dowry deaths, atrocities against women, prevention of AIDS, Health camps, alcoholism & drug abuse, child rearing practices nutrition, proper care of pregnant & lactating mothers, small family norms & family planning, role & rights of women etc. The SPSS was granted in the year 1988-89 by the state social welfare board and since then it is organizing the awareness generation programs on the above aspects on regular basis through its own resource and it has become a most popular program and all communities of urban slum & rural areas are participating in our programs in large number with most enthusiasm.

While implementing various projects successfully as reported earlier, the team members of the SPSS has been receiving constant demand from the public as well as persistence of the old people of its project areas regularly to plan & launch a suitable project / programs  for welfare of the needy poor/ destitute aged persons also. Several aged person reiterated their sorry plight stories to the members of SPSS which were heart touching and very emotional.

Therefore keeping in view of their genuine felt needs, the team members of the SPSS conducted a need Assessment survey of its entire project area (rural as well as urban slum areas ). During survey it was revealed that the aged persons area generally neglected/ignored and their pessimistic attitude is always in the growing curve. Overall their health is very poor. Most of them are suffering with senile diseases and are not getting proper care or any medical treatment as their families are so poor that they are unable to provide any care / medicines to them even they are not getting food to their satisfaction and proper clothing and as such their condition has become very critical.

They social status of the old people in the community is now become more form respect., neglected/ isolated and ignored, supposed to be out dated, non earning / un productive and crazy, They are being considered as unnecessary burden in their families. Family support to the old people is just formal and almost negligible, as result most of them have become destitute whereas some of them have become beggars in their last phase of life.

Analyzing the facts of the prevailing problems / situations, the managing committee of the SPSS decided to take urgent steps for providing necessary support to such needy aged persons on priority basis. The experts/ professionals of the Samiti had planned /designed and formulated three projects one by one are wise and activity wise.

One project was submitted to the Government of India. Ministry of Welfare, new Delhi for setting up of an Old Age home for providing shelter and other necessities to destitute aged persons which in under active consideration.

Second project was submitted to Help age International, U.K. for setting up of day care centre for providing proper care, ford, clothes, health check up / medical treatment, pocket money etc. to aag slum dweller as and we feel happy to mention that this agency has agreed to , support to 50 (fifty) aged persons in the beginning and a letter to this effect has since been received by us in the last week of march 1998 along with their terms & conditions and an agreement form, after completion & submission of all the papers, they will start funding our AAG programmed (i.e. Day Care Centre) on quarterly basis regularly. The project is five years.

Third project was submitted to help age India, New Delhi for providing support to aged person s by involving them in income generating activity of nursery raising duly integrated in their homes/ with their families. This project has also been approved has already been received by us..We hope that be amount of the above grant will reach to us in the beginning of the next financial year (i.e. 1998-99) as we have already completed and submitted all the required papers to the concerned agency.

Hence these are the salient examples (i.e. success story) of the Sonali Public Shiksha Samiti which is growing rapidly and step by step it gives us great pleasure in presenting our Annual progress report for the year 2000-01 that may throw some light into our prospective-ness. Way of working and activities / program undertaken so far.

We are most grateful to all donors, well-wishers and sympathizers who have supported our program generously.

Activities undertaken by SPSS in 2011

A. Intensive social mobilization for promoting key behaviors in chachora block of Gun District
     1. IPC with target Audience by cluster coordinator /       village volunteer: -Cluster 
coordinator and village volunteers visit houses of key target groups for interpersonal communication EI, EBF, ANC, PNC related information immunization and hand washing with soap. The IPC will help in identifying various myths / misconception and also provide an opportunity for an individual to clear their doubts.
   2. Thematic Meetings - Monthly Thematic meetings will be organized with different stake holders including pregnant & lactating mothers, support members, youth, adolescent and children with a systematic village plan. Effective communication tools like flip book cards etc. will be used to facilitate the meetings.
   3.  Structured village level capacity building of community groups.
          At village level 4 community groups (Women, Adolescent, youth & children) were formed. Well planned training according to action plan (knowledge and communication skills) will be organized at villages (facilitated by CC & BTC) to capacitance various groups in key areas. It will further help in social mobilization, peer to peer education, linkages with services and sustainable monitoring. The capacitated group members of the groups will visit the houses for motivating and counseling the families to adopt the safe & healthy behaviors (EIBF, EBF, HWWS and Immunization).